France Provides Subsidies for Female Employment in Film

So the Kavanaugh outcome was unexpected. Fortunately however, more and more women are heard every day for the talented and capable change-makers and contributors that they are.

Last month, former French culture minister Françoise Nyssen announced that the French government will award higher subsidies to film projects that hire a greater number of women on their teams, according to Vulture. The New York Times also quotes Nyssen as saying “When things don’t change by themselves, or do so too slowly, it’s up to us to bring about change.

Let's hope other governments around the world are listening to this inspiring figure. The ministry agrees that there is a war to wage against sexism in the very industry their country has taken pride in inventing. Currently, productions with 4-8 women are qualified to gain the extra support. The program will also work on a point system, with each female director, scriptwriter or chief technician earning a point. What have we learned? To keep marching. To keep speaking out! Change does happen indeed.

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