The Big Picture


Who can resist an infidelity crime thriller?  In The Big Picture (L'homme qui voulait vivre sa vie) Director Eric Lartigau whips up an unexpected tale of Paul Exben (Romain Duris), a man who has it all. Next in line to take over a law firm, Paul has a beautiful house and two beautiful children. His only problem is that his wife Sarah (Marina Fois) is less than thrilled about it. 

She is, however, charmed by Gregoire Kremer, (Eric Ruf) a smug photographer who lives the life Paul imagined living before giving up on old pipe dreams. Needless to say, our hero is a bit miffed upon the discovery of this secret relationship, and lets his anger get the best of him. 

Without giving too much away, (it is a thriller after all), the film takes you on a journey of suspenseful tingling sensation, brought upon by expert crime- doing, and of the beauty of escapism. Along the breathtaking landscape of Brittany, the concept of creating a brand new identity coupled with guilt and eternal shame, make for a confusing, yet moving drama. Duris is superb, as always, and lets us linger on his perseverance, and strength in character long after the credits have rolled.

We love our romantic comedies, but it doesn't hurt to have a jolt of mystery or a chill down our spines on our netflix queus. Not one bit.

Nicole Eicholtz

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