Heartbeats (Les amours imaginaires)

NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE TO STREAM ON NETFLIX. NOW AVAILABLE ON NETFLIX DVD. The theme of the threesome continues with Xavier Dolan's Heartbeats (Les amours imaginaires). This time a couple of young friends with a sturdy friendship tumble into disarray over a new and intoxicating arrival named Nicolas (Niels Schneider).

Francis (Xavier Dolan himself) and Marie (Monia Chokri) both sensitive and shy, fall head over heels for the golden haired fee spirit Nicolas, continuously falling all over themselves to gain his attention and affection, while we slowly learn that the film is generally about making a complete fool of yourself over infatuation.

Interspersed throughout the central plot are documentary style interviews of other fools in love, declaring all the gritty details of how they were left high and dry by people who stole their hearts.

Simple and stylish, Dolan creates relatable but colorful characters that are completely vulnerable amidst an edgy and sexual soundtrack.

Embrace the one who got away this weekend, with short, sweet, and humiliating Heartbeats.

Nicole Eicholtz

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