Dans la maison (In the House)

NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE TO STREAM ON NETFLIX. NOW AVAILABLE ON NETFLIX DVDRead a book and you can go anywhere. Becoming an author may bring fame, glory, and escape, or it can bring to you the events of In the House (Dans la maison).  

The pen becomes a dangerous weapon in this film where, Germain, a high school literature teacher (Fabrice Luchini) assigns his class to write about their weekend. One mysterious student, Claude, (Ernst Umhauer) takes it upon himself to give Germain a glimpse into an ordinary family that he decides to befriend as a study subject.  

Lines are blurred of what is real, fictional, right, and wrong as time goes on in this mysterious drama, that just like any good story, keeps you guessing until the very end. Written and directed by Francois Ozon.

Nicole Eicholtz

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