Rendez-vous in Kiruna


Ernest is working on a major architectural project at his firm when he receives an unwanted call from Sweden. His biological son whom he has never met has died in a boating accident and, with the mother away, Ernest must come to Lapland and identify the body. Although he protests that he has no emotional connection to the dead youth, he ends up on a long drive north during which he picks up Magnus, a young Swedish man on his way to visit his grandfather. Director Anna Novion’s interest in Bergman and her own Swedish heritage add a quiet flair to this story of unavoidable emotional ties.


Réalisateur :
  • Anna Novion
Avec / with :
Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Anastasios Soulis, Claes Ljungmark
Genre :
  • Drama
Date de sortie :

Available on streaming or VoD

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