The Scent of the Mandarine


Gilles Legrand who transported us in his previous cinematic efforts Malabar Princess, The Maiden and the Wolves and You Will Be My Son, comes back with a beautiful romantic saga through a passionate and sensual love story between two witty characters, yet with their own weaknesses. Performed by an outstanding acting duo, the always remarkable Olivier Gourmet, and luminous revelation of the film Georgia Scalliett, this incandescent portrait of a free and modern woman, but at the same time imprisoned in her past love, magnified by Yves Angelo’s lush photography, goes way beyond its WWI background, to focus on another war, the one of the feelings, less bloody but at least as destructive.


Réalisateur :
  • Gilles Legrand
Avec / with :
Olivier Gourmet, Georgia Scalliet, Dimitri Storoge
Genre :
  • Drama
Date de sortie :

Available on streaming or VoD

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