Summer Nights


It’s 1959 in a modest city in Alsace, and Michel, a respectable, mild-mannered bureaucrat, has a career in local government that’s on the rise. His wife, Hélène, is an intelligent beauty focused on raising their young son and doing good in the community. They may seem like the perfect couple, but at home, their relationship is clearly strained—and only Michel knows why. He is keeping a secret—living a double life: Every weekend he can get away, he heads to a secluded country home where he lives as Mylène, an elegant, delicate bourgeoise with auburn hair and a preference for understated jewelry. Mylène and her longtime friend Flavia (who lives her weekdays as a man with the name Jean-Marie) have only these secluded hours—and the time they can snatch to spend at an underground cabaret for “transvestites” (the term of the time)—to truly be themselves.


Réalisateur :
  • Mario Fanfani
Avec / with :
Guillaume De Tonquédec, Jeanne Balibar, Nicolas Bouchaud
Genre :
  • Drama
Date de sortie :

Available on streaming or VoD

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