The Pact


William-Patrick Hitler—the man Adolf Hitler called "my horrible nephew"—was the last known Hitler. He disappeared at the end of WWII, changing his identity with the help of the FBI and blending into the American masses. Who was he and what did he do in the US? In 1912, Adolf Hitler himself disappeared for over 5 months. Where did he go? What was his relationship with his nephew and what secrets was he hiding? The Pact explores the mystery of this hidden chapter in Hitler’s life, and reveals some fascinating details, namely that William-Patrick Hitler had four children born on American soil. And that they made a pact with each other never to have children of their own and so end the Hitler bloodline forever.


Réalisateur :
  • Emmanuel Amara
Avec / with :
Genre :
  • Documentary
Date de sortie :

Available on streaming or VoD

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