The Pact among Angels


Adrian (Marc Messier) leads a monotonous life, abusing alcohol to forget the pain of his lonely existence. One evening, he finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, watching the escapades of two young brothers, who then kidnap him. Rolling down the road, the trio tries to flee the police and their past. As they travel, Adrian grows close to the younger Cedric (Lenni-Kim Lalande), much to the displeasure of his older brother William (Emile Schneider). Led by powerful performances, this trip is likely to mark these three souls forever.


Réalisateur :
  • Richard Angers
Avec / with :
Marc Messier, Lenni-Kim Lalande, Émile Schneider-Vanier
Genre :
  • Drama
Date de sortie :

Available on streaming or VoD

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