High Society


Twenty-year-old Alice lives in Bayeux. She works with wool, creates dyes, makes clothing. She doesn't know what to do with this innate talent, until the day she meets Agnès, a rich Parisian, who helps her to be accepted into a prestigious school of applied arts. Alice leaves everything behind to go and live in Paris. There she encounters Antoine, Agnès's son. They fall in love. In Alice, Antoine finds a sincerity and naivety which allows him to escape from the bourgeois milieu that he rejects. Thanks to Antoine, Alice discovers the inner workings of a world that fascinates her. It offers her culture, and she gives herself to it entirely. At the risk of losing herself...


Réalisateur :
  • Julie Lopes Curval
Avec / with :
Ana Girardot, Bastien Bouillon, Baptiste Lecaplain
Genre :
  • Dramedy
Date de sortie :

Available on streaming or VoD

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