
The comedy team behind the Babysitting franchise returns to COLCOA with another affable concoction of high-concept farce and below the belt gags. Grégory (Lacheau) is the founder of a startup providing a unique service. He and his associates Augustin and Medhi create and stage alibis for clients, mostly men, mostly who want to cheat, mostly on their wives and girlfriends. While striving for the lofty goal of semi-competence, the crew’s only code of conduct is summed up in the company motto: “a little lie is less harmful than the truth.” Naturally, Grégory has to keep his work a secret from his new girlfriend Flo, who happens to be repulsed by men who lie. But that’s only half his problem. When Grégory and Flo go to a resort town to meet her parents, he realizes that he knows the father. In fact, he’s one of Grégory’s clients. is a manic, take-no-prisoners excursion through a PC-free zone, so give your moral compass the afternoon off, and strap in for the ride.


Réalisateur :
  • Philippe Lacheau
Avec / with :
Philippe Lacheau, Élodie Fontan, Julien Arruti
Genre :
  • Comedy
Date de sortie :

Available on streaming or VoD

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